One Vision
Introducing the world's most advanced digital Internet
CCTV, access control systems & door entry systems.


High-resolution digital recording

Remote viewing from anywhere in the world

Playback via the Internet

Compatible with G3 mobile phones

Supports up to 16 cameras

120 FPS, adjustable for recording

Compatible with ADSL (broadband) and LAN

Intelligent motion detection

All recordings incorporate digital watermarking with time and date

Email and phone call alerts

Audio recording

Pan, tilt and zoom camera control

Night and day vision cameras

Five locations can be monitored simultaneously

Digital CCTV cameras


PTZ colour cameras
Internal/external 22x optical zoom, 360o pan and
5o-95o tilt, with night vision.







Dome cameras
Internal/external, vandal resistant,

colour or black & white.







Heavy duty
External, day & night camera with built-in infra-red
providing up to 15 metre night vision.







Camera housing
Extremely robust external camera housing

with built-in heater.














We have the latest technology in number plate capture cameras and facial recognition systems. Contact us for our full range. Covert cameras also available.